Celebrate International Women’s Day with CARE at HALF THE SKY LIVE
Join us in movie theatres nationwide for one night only – Thursday, March 4, 2010, for a very special theatrical presentation of Half the...

WATER IS LIFE KENYA fundraiser a huge success!
Joyce Tannian, Founder of Water is Life Kenya (photo: © JCWeatherby) Monica Tannian welcomed Joyce Tannian as the special guest at a...

Bringing water to Kenya
Please RSVP to Monica at mtannian@bellsouth.net. Click here for a map.
Black Friday Gives Back: The Black Friday Giving Campaign
This holiday season: Take a stand against useless spending! Instead of taking all your hard-earned cash to the mall for useless nic-nacs...

Building a NEST
Trunk Show for Microfinance Kristi York Wooten, Denise Disharoon, Mychael Knight, Amy Flurry (photo by Erin Ashford) Sustenance Group...

Launching the Demand Dignity Campaign with Amnesty International
Jared Feuer, Kristi Wooten, Nancy Bauer, Will Cordery © J.R. Ward II Photography Amnesty International staff members Jared Feuer and...

Taking the Walk
Nancy Bauer and Indra Tobias taking the walk Sustenance Group members and friends joined ONE members at the Georgia Tech campus on...

Working toward a Global Fund for Education
Steve Valk, Mary Njoroge, and Ken Patterson On October 27, 2009 Sustenance Group members Steve Valk and Kristi Wooten met with RESULTS...
Foreign Aid featured in AJC opinion today
Sustenance Group member Greg Sims, Southeast Field Director for Bread for the World, was featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution...

Mango Tree founder Nancy Bauer featured on ONE blog
Sustenance Group Founding Principal Nancy Bauer was featured on the ONE blog today, with a write-up about the 2009 Take a Stand against...