Foreign Aid featured in AJC opinion today
Sustenance Group member Greg Sims, Southeast Field Director for Bread for the World, was featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution this morning, with an opinion piece about foreign aid:
FOREIGN AID Time to rethink how we distribute assistance Professor Charles Raynal (“Support grows to retool foreign aid”, Opinion, Oct. 11) rightly draws attention to the benefits of smarter U.S. foreign assistance: enhanced national security, and better fiscal stewardship. This month’s observance of World Food Day, however, challenges us to rise above self-interest alone. Recent figures confirm that more than one billion people now go to bed hungry. Strengthening the capacity of USAID to respond to this mounting hunger crisis in flexible, sustainable, and accountable ways would not only serve our own interests, but reflect our best moral impulses to help “the least of these.” Senators Isakson and Chambliss can lead the way by co-sponsoring S. 1524, the Foreign Assistance Revitalization and Accountability Act . Greg Sims, Decatur