Sustenance Group's Kristi York Wooten hosts "Conversations at the Carter Center" event
Kristi York Wooten hosted the event "Standing Strong Against Attacks on Human Rights" on October 16, 2019, at the Carter Center in Atlanta.
Conversations at the Carter Center features experts, policymakers, and other special guests to discuss the issues that shape our world.
In many parts of the world, repression is on the rise and freedom on the decline. But brave human rights defenders continue to fight for equality and fair treatment for all. Watch the video to hear what participants in the Human Rights Defenders Forum have to say about the state of human rights across the globe.
Moderator: Kristi York Wooten, founder of Sustenance Group and freelance journalist and contributor to The Economist, The Atlantic, and many other publications.
Panelists: Memory Bandera of Zimbabwe, director of programs and administration for the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project and co-founder of the Girl Child Network Zimbabwe and Uganda.
Hafida Benchehida, Algerian senator and a founding member of both the Algerian Women's Parliamentarian Network and the Arab Women's Parliamentarian Network.
Claudia Virginia Samayoa, human rights activist and founder of Unidad de Protección a Defensoras y Defensores de Derechos Humanos in Guatemala.
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