Net gains for World Malaria Day

Mark Lee, Christina Howell, Mac Powell, Kristi York Wooten, Tai Anderson • Photo by Kaitlyn Pack ©2010 Widescreen Video Productions
In partnership with Marietta First Baptist Church and ONE, Sustenance Group worked to raise nearly $9000 for Malaria No More and Nothing But Nets in honor of World Malaria Day on April 25 (thanks in part to a generous matching gift from the Tony Blair Faith Foundation). Third Day and Scott England performed, former NBA star Ivano Newbill played basketball with the kids, and Paul Howell from the CDC brought more than 500 mosquitoes to demonstrate the number of infectious bites a child can receive in one year if not protected by a bed net. Mayor Steve Tumlin even declared Marietta a City of ONE. Third Day’s Tai Anderson wrote an eloquent piece for the ONE blog, and Nancy Bauer followed up with a post-event blog piece, as well. Video coming soon!

Basketball star Ivano "Newby" Newbill in action • Photo by Nicholas Spratlen ©2010 Acclaim Pro Photos

Paul Hill, Mark Lee, Mac Powell, Dr. Bill Ross, Lauren Waggoner, Tai Anderson • Photo by Nicholas Spratlen ©2010 Acclaim Pro Photos

Paul Howell of the CDC • Photo by Nicholas Spratlen ©2010 Acclaim Pro Photos

Children visiting the bed and mosquito net display • Photo by Nicholas Spratlen ©2010 Acclaim Pro Photos

Scott England and Shane Cole performing • Photo by Nicholas Spratlen ©2010 Acclaim Pro Photos
A special thanks to the volunteers:

Audrey Ruark, Super ONE volunteer and ONE Campus Challenge leader from Kennesaw State University • photo by Nicholas Spratlen ©2010 Acclaim Pro Photos
Let me also say a very special thank you to our faith partners in this endeavor: To Christina Howell for being the catalyst to the whole event; to Marietta First Baptist Church head pastor Dr. Bill Ross, who believed in the World Malaria Day event from the beginning and who took a great leap of faith to open up his church to a bunch of activists; to children’s pastor Lauren Waggoner, who was a key player in putting the event together, and to music minister Paul Hill, who made sure the event sounded great; to Elizabeth Coan, CEE preschool director, for some great ideas and support; And to church members Karla Jacobs, Debbie Schulte, and Erin White: without you we could not make this event happen; to Sherri Grant who drove 3 hours to volunteer; And to everyone else who lent support: Phyllis, Katherine, Jane, Brent, Chris, John, et al: Your actions are impacting the world and making a difference!