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Mango Tree Foundation event brings in more than 200% of fundraising goal

June 1, 2009 was a great day for Mango Tree Foundation and Sustenance Group. The “Chicks for Chicks” event exceeded all expectations! An amazing group of more than 120 women gathered to learn about the women of Yo Mujer in Bogota, Colombia. The Yo Mujer project helps internally-displaced women who’ve experienced violence because of the drugs and terrorism in the countryside and have been forced from their homes with their children, frequently with only the clothes on their backs. The capacity crowd enjoyed an empowering and unforgettable singing performance by Change Rocks Foundation’s Yewande Austin, bid on silent auction items, and nibbled on delicious food including Jake’s “HOT CHICKS” ice cream. At the end of the evening, Mango Tree Foundation founders Nancy Bauer and Lynn Patterson reported that receipts totaled more than twice the amount of the evening’s goal! Attendees were pleased to find out that the event had absolutely no overhead costs, thanks to generous donations from the proprietors at Paper Mill Village!

Stay tuned for more updates about Mango Tree and new events produced by Sustenance Group.

Visit for more details.

photo by Sirpa Horstman

photo of Nancy Bauer by Sirpa Horstman

photo of Lynn Patterson by Sirpa Horstman

photo of Lynn Patterson by Sirpa Horstman

photo of Yewande Austin by Sirpa Horstman

photo of Yewande Austin by Sirpa Horstman


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