CARE launches Join My Village at the Clinton Global Initiative

Dr. Helene Gayle onstage at CGI with President Bill Clinton
New York – The second day of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) came to a close with a special session that focused on harnessing innovation for development.
“Innovation can mean a new business model, a new technology, or a new way of delivering services to the poor,” President Clinton said. “No matter the form it takes, innovation is key to the challenges that face our world. There are so many people around the world we have yet to reach – we must find new ways to develop and implement innovative solutions on a massive scale.”
President Clinton convened the special session on Investing in Girls and Women by announcing new commitments fueled by innovation, including a new project called Join My Village, which features Sustenance Group Director Kristi York Wooten as a Village Team Leader.
General Mills and Dr. Helene Gayle, CEO of CARE launched “Join My Village” to tap the power of online communities to connect women in the U.S. with families in Malawi, igniting a new level of consumer education and involvement. Ongoing reports from the field will enable consumers to participate in the lives of some of the poorest women and girls in Africa. The roject features 10 villages in Malawi but ultimately raises funds and supports 75 CARE Malwai projects.
