International Women's Day Signers (and Singers) Believe 'Poverty is Sexist'
In 2015, the ONE Campaign launched its Poverty is Sexist campaign, asking women and men around the world to take "strengthies" (strong...

AYA Summit Report: The Real Warrior Among The Walking Dead
BY KRISTI YORK WOOTEN FOR THE DAILY BEAST Actress, activist and African American: Danai Gurira believes in the power of using her voice...

World AIDS Day 2014: The Tipping Point
ONE released its annual report on the progess in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and most of the news is good. The reduction in the rate of...

How It Feels When Bono Shows Up
Sustenance Group participated in ONE's annual Power Summit in Washington, D.C. Featured guests at this year's summit included (RED) CEO...

African Factivist Panel at United Nations Headquarters, with ONE and Okayafrica
Sustenance Group joined ONE, Transparency International, Okayafrica, & the UN Millennium Challenge for an interactive conversation on...
Usher Rocks Marvin Gaye Tune on Protest Song Campaign
ONE gathered a group of recording artists to make exclusive music videos of their favorite iconic protest songs. The campaign, AGIT8,...

Library for All Brings Digital Libraries to the Developing World
Sustenance Group's Kristi York Wooten joined Library for All co-founder Tanyella Evans, along with Cherae Robinson of Keep A Child Alive,...

The Summit on Global Health and Hunger
Sustenance Group's Nancy Bauer and Kristi York Wooten, along with Janis Sundquist and Kashi Sehgal, attended the Atlanta Summit on Global...

HBO and Malaria No More Premiere Mary and Martha Film at The Carter Center
Sustenance Group's Nancy Bauer and Kristi York Wooten, along with ONE congresional district leader Luna Searles, were special guests at...
Dr. Hawa Abdi Talks Maternal Health
Sustenance Group's Kristi York Wooten participated in a ONE Moms Google Hangout with Dr. Hawa Abdi, her daughter Deqo Waqaf and author...